Resources by Thomas Nelson - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by Thomas Nelson

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Devotions from the Lake

Devotions from the Lake

by Thomas Nelson

Built around the concept of resting with family, connecting with nature, and finding joy in simple pleasures, Devotions from the Lake will quickly resonate with readers looking for a way to slow down their daily lives. Filled with beautiful photography, encouraging essays and devotions, and a few funny anecdotes, this devotional will be the perfect gift for … Read more…

Hope for Your Marriage: Experience God’s Greatest Desires for You and Your Spouse

Hope for Your Marriage: Experience God’s Greatest Desires for You and Your Spouse

by Thomas Nelson, Joel Osteen, Clayton and Ashlee Hurst, Clayton Hurst and Ashlee Hurst

Clayton and Ashlee Hurst share the principles and Scripture they have learned to lean on and preach at Lakewood Church. Foreword by Joel Osteen.Are you willing to do whatever it takes to have the marriage you dreamed of? Interestingly, this is the question Clayton and Ashlee ask young couples before they get married and married couples in cris… Read more…

New Copernicans: Millennials and the Survival of the Church

New Copernicans: Millennials and the Survival of the Church

by Thomas Nelson and David John SeelJr

"Our millennial children, as well as nonchurchgoing millennials, are both the church's greatest challenge and its most exciting new opportunity."—John Seel, PhDWarning: There is a fundamental frame of reference shift in American society happening right now among young adults. You may think of this group as millennials—those born between 1980 … Read more…

Sacred Rest: Finding the Sabbath in the Everyday

Sacred Rest: Finding the Sabbath in the Everyday

by Thomas Nelson and Cheryl Wunderlich

If only there were more hours in a day . . .Your to-do list is beyond taming, and your commitments are unavoidable. How could you allow yourself to rest in busy times like these? What would rest even look like in your life?Author Cheryl Wunderlich knows these questions well. After years caught up in the whirlwind of family life, motherhood, work, and ministr… Read more…

Devotions from the Mountains

Devotions from the Mountains

by Thomas Nelson

Do the mountains seem like heaven on earth? Do you find peace in the grandeur of God's majestic creation? Devotions from the Mountains takes you back to your favorite cabin in the woods, daily reminding you of the peace and strength that is found in God--the Creator of heaven and earth.Devotions from the Mountains:Includes 90 daily devotions with Sc… Read more…

Love Heals

Love Heals

by Thomas Nelson and Becca Stevens

Have you struggled with deep wounds, grief, or longing for justice? Love heals us and hope is always possible. Becca Stevens, founder and president of Thistle Farms, shares true stories of healing and joy where brokenness is transformed into compassion. In each chapter, Stevens provides encouragement and practical steps for anyone going through a difficult s… Read more…

Pursuing Contentment

Pursuing Contentment

by Luci Swindoll and Thomas Nelson

All too often life falls short of our expectations and happiness seems just out of reach. We run face disappointments, disarray, delays, and drawbacks. We want to be the kind of women who exude serene calmness, cheerfulness, and acceptance even in the midst of trials and difficult situations, but that is hard to do!In Pursuing Contentment, you will… Read more…

66 Ways God Loves You: Experience God's Love for You in Every Book of the Bible

66 Ways God Loves You: Experience God's Love for You in Every Book of the Bible

by Thomas Nelson and Jennifer Rothschild

God deeply loves you—He loves you with an everlasting love. In 66 Ways God Loves You, Jennifer Rothschild walks you through each of the sixty-six books of the Bible and shows, in concise and thoughtful ways, how every book reflects God’s love for you, such as:In Genesis God fashions you with His hands.In Esther He Makes you royalty… Read more…

Brave Girls 365 Devotional

Brave Girls 365 Devotional

by Thomas Nelson

Although we live in an unpredictable world, God has a command for His precious daughters: Be strong and courageous—that means be very, very BRAVE! Whether your Brave Girl is girly or sporty, book-smart or heart-smart, the superstar or the shy sweetheart, every little girl is a daughter of God, and this devotional has something for her. Full of ins… Read more…

Mi pequeño libro de oraciones

Mi pequeño libro de oraciones

by Thomas Nelson

Con más de dos millones de ejemplares vendidos en inglés, esta serie ha permanecido fuerte durante más de dos décadas y sigue aún en las listas de best sellers.Este libro les enseña a los niños tanto oraciones clásicas y modernas para cada momento del día tales como las horas de comer, dormir, jugar, tiempo con Dios y con los demás, así como oraci… Read more…

Mi pequeña Biblia

Mi pequeña Biblia

by Thomas Nelson

Con ventas de más de dos millones de ejemplares de la serie en inglés, esta marca ha permanecido firme durante más de dos décadas y sigue llegando a las listas best seller.Este libro contiene una colección de historias de la Biblia relatadas de forma sencilla y está lleno de hermosas ilustraciones que darán vida a este clásico para alcanzar a una nue… Read more…

Find What You Believe

Find What You Believe

by Thomas Nelson

Find What You Believe is the newest addition to Nelson’s A to Z Guides. This book combines the best features of a concordance, topical Bible, and dictionary. Entries on everything from people and places to theological concepts and biblical principles appear in one convenient volume. With more than 8,000 entries, no other A to Z guide offers such a wide ran… Read more…

(Number of titles: 270)