IVP Collection - Forgiveness, Loneliness, and Temptation - Olive Tree Bible Software

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IVP Collection - Forgiveness, Loneliness, and Temptation

For the Olive Tree Bible App

IVP Collection - Forgiveness, Loneliness, and Temptation
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IVP Collection - Forgiveness, Loneliness, and Temptation

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: IVP Collection - Forgiveness, Loneliness, and Temptation
Publisher: InterVarsity Press (IVP)


Temptation, by Tom L. Eisenman

How does temptation come to you? What can you do to fight it? What can you do to avoid it? In this brief and helpful booklet, Pastor Tom Eisenman offers seven key steps you can take to combat temptation. Practical and positive, this is time-tested advice you can't afford to be without! Eisenman is a pastor, writer and speaker based in California. From personal evangelism to facing temptation, from equipping parents to developing Christian character, Tom Eisenman addresses a wide range of issues with a gift for candor, humor and vivid illustrations that makes his practical biblical messages applicable and memorable for any audience.

Loneliness, by Elizabeth Skoglund

Elizabeth Skoglund provides biblical and practical help for overcoming loneliness, by approaching the problem of loneliness from both the psychological and the spiritual aspects. Skoglund is the author of more than a dozen books, and is a marriage, famiy, and child counselor in private practice in California.

Forgiveness, by Dan Hamilton

Dan Hamilton examines the biblical concept of forgiveness, describing its purpose, motivation and cost. Hamilton is both a writer and an engineer. He has edited numerous George MacDonald novels and has written his own fantasy trilogy, Tales of the Forgotten God.

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