Confessions of the Reformed Church: The Augsburg and Westminster Confessions, and Heidelberg Catechism - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Confessions of the Reformed Church: The Augsburg and Westminster Confessions, and Heidelberg Catechism

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Confessions of the Reformed Church: The Augsburg and Westminster Confessions, and Heidelberg Catechism
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iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.3 and above.

Audio Book

Confessions of the Reformed Church: The Augsburg and Westminster Confessions, and Heidelberg Catechism

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Confessions of the Reformed Church: The Augsburg and Westminster Confessions, and Heidelberg Catechism
Publisher: Hovel Audio
Author: Various
Length: 3 hrs. 56 min.


Quite simply, these are three of the most important and well-known confessions of the Reformed faith. Concise, yet with excellent detail, there is no better way to get an introduction and background of historic Reformed faith.

ISBN: 9781596445284

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