This free ebook The Bible - Its Sufficiency and Supremacy by C.H. Mackintosh firmly and succinctly proclaims the sufficiency and the supremacy of the Bible. It details how the Bible stands, as ever, the Word of God across time and space. In this ebook, Mackintosh writes, "We believe that the Bible, as written in the original Hebrew and Greek languages, is the very word of the only wise and the only true God, with whom one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day, who saw the end from the beginning, and not only the end, but every stage of the way."
C.H. Mackintosh was an Irish preacher and author who was active in the Irish Revival of 1859-1860. He edited the magazine Things New and Old for forty years. He titled his very first tract "The Peace of God," and his very last tract "The God of Peace."