The world is full of dark places that present obstacles to our joy. While people may instinctually turn to films, games, or social connections to brighten their day, Christians know they have a greater source of comfort and joy. In Joy in Dark Places, Thomas Parr reminds us that the Bible speaks of glorious realities that the darkest days cannot destroy. Readers will see how moral evil, calamity, and even bad theology steal our happiness. More importantly, they will see how the light of the gospel dispels disquiet and brings profound joy instead.
Table of Contents:
Joy and Obstacles to It
Joy despite God’s Judgments in the Earth
Law and Conviction Necessary for Joy
Joy despite Fears of Spiritual Deterioration
Joy from Empowerment and Even Chastening
Joy from the Bible’s “Works-Oriented” Statements
Joy in Renouncing All Forms of Legalism
Joy by Quieting Your Conscience in the Cross
To Have Joy You Must Have Faith
To Have Joy You Must Obey
Joy in God Incomprehensible
Joy and Problem People in the Church
Joy in Old Testament Promises to Israel
Joy at the Prospect of Growing Old and Dying
Biblical Joy versus Cheap Joy
Joy Even When Society Disintegrates
Joy at the Last Judgment: Looking Forward to a Judgment of Our Works
Conclusion: Our Joy and God’s Glory