In What God Wants Every Dad to Know, Pastor James Merritt encourages dads to pass along to their children God’s timeless wisdom found in Proverbs. Through his personable and engaging style, he reveals important life principles on such key topics as
- finances
- use of the tongue
- sexuality
- work ethic
- friendships
No book ever written has been a better or more practical guide than Proverbs for helping fathers guide their children toward right choices and away from wrong ones. The advice of wise King Solomon remains invaluable for today’s dads struggling with the pressures of home and career responsibilities, travel, broken families, and other realities of modern life.
Merritt makes liberal use of anecdotes and stories from his own experience as the father of three children as he urges dads to take seriously their important role as leaders in their homes and their responsibility to teach godly wisdom to their children.