Sin embargo, una de las figuras más malentendidas por la Iglesia es el Espíritu Santo. Se pretende entender Su obra y Su poder, sin conocerlo primeramente como una Persona. Y es, ante todo, una Persona que ha prometido no dejarnos ni desampararnos jamás, porque somos Su pasión y deleite.
Las explicaciones claras y directas de este libro interactivo le llevarán a:
- Desarrollar una relación de amistad íntima con el Espíritu Santo.
- Hablarle, preguntarle, escucharle.
- Recibir su empoderamiento.
- Entender la llenura del Espíritu Santo y buscarla.
- Pedirle y recibir su guía, su consuelo y su revelación.
- Distinguir entre los dones y los frutos del Espíritu Santo.
- Conocer las diferentes lenguas, y discernir para orar en el Espíritu.
- Buscar Su presencia.
The Holy Spirit keeps your company in every battle and in moments of joy. He was sent to reveal Jesus and empower the Body of Christ.
However, He has been misunderstood by church and His people. They pretend to understand His works and His power, without knowing him as a Person. And the Holy Spirit is, first of all, a Person who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, because we are His passion and delight.
The straightforward facts in this interactive book will take you to:
- Develop and keep a close friendship with the Holy Spirit.
- Talk to Him, ask Him and listen to Him.
- Receive His empowerment.
- Understand the Holy Spirit's fulfillment and pursue it.
- Ask Him and receive His guidance, his relief and His revelation.
- Understand the difference between the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
- Get to recognize the different tongues, and have discernment to pray in the Spirit.
- Pursue His presence.