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Qué Pasaría Si… : Cambiamos nuestros “Si tan solo…” remordimientos por “Y si Dios…” posibilidades
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iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
Qué Pasaría Si… : Cambiamos nuestros “Si tan solo…” remordimientos por “Y si Dios…” posibilidades
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Whitaker House
Qué Pasaría Si… : Cambiamos nuestros “Si tan solo…” remordimientos por “Y si Dios…” posibilidades
Qué Pasaría Si… : Cambiamos nuestros “Si tan solo…” remordimientos por “Y si Dios…” posibilidades
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Publisher: Whitaker House
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
Click on a feature to learn more.
Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
"Si..." es una palabra pequeña, pero poderosa. Muchas personas se estancan en pensar o decir "si solo..." o "qué pasaría si..." arrastrándose por la vida marcados por el remordimiento. Pero Dios quiere que vivamos vidas marcadas con posibilidades, con la actitud de "qué tal si..." que anticipa el futuro con confianza. ¿Por qué? Porque la respuesta a "Si Dios es por nosotros, ¿quién contra nosotros?" es "Nadie". Dios siempre está de nuestro lado. Todos los días, de todas las maneras.

Con el entusiasmo que le caracteriza y su gozo contagioso, Mark Batterson ayuda a los lectores a superar sentimientos de culpa, miedo, y duda, porque en Cristo no hay condenación. Desempacando las promesas de Romanos 8, le muestra a los lectores que somos más que vencedores, ahora mismo y para siempre. Y por eso, las posibilidades de nuestras vidas son ilimitadas. Todos los cristianos se sentirán libertados por esta lectura inspiradora y entretenida.

If is a powerful little word. Some people are stuck in "if only," trudging through lives marked with regret. But God wants us to live lives marked with possibilities, with the "what if" attitude that looks forward to the future with confidence. Why? Because the answer to "If God is for us, who can be against us?" is "No one." God is always on our side. Every day, in every way.

With his trademark enthusiasm and contagious joy, Mark Batterson helps readers overcome feelings of guilt, fear, and doubt, because in Christ there is no condemnation. Unpacking the promises of Romans 8, he shows readers that they are more than conquerors—right now and forever. And because of that, the possibilities for their lives are limitless. Christians from all walks of life will find themselves set free by this inspiring and entertaining read.

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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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