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Enhanced for Resource Guide

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Joshua, Judges, and Ruth: Courage to Conquer (The Passion Translation)

Joshua, Judges, and Ruth: Courage to Conquer (The Passion Translation)

by Brian Simmons

The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth recount the compelling journey of Israel’s beginnings and awe-inspiring history. Watch God’s people transition from wanderers to conquerors as told by The Passion Translation®. Begin with the book of Joshua, which reveals the secrets of conquest and details jaw-dropping victories and devastating d… Read more…

Boice Expositional Commentary Series: Ephesians

Boice Expositional Commentary Series: Ephesians

by James Montgomery Boice

According to James Montgomery Boice, Paul's great letter to the Ephesians is "a mini-course in theology, centered on the church." Writing to the church in a city much like modern-day New York, Paul laid out his mature vision of the Christian faith's central elements. The apostle set these fundamental doctrines in the context of the church as the body… Read more…

Boice Expositional Commentary Series: Philippians

Boice Expositional Commentary Series: Philippians

by James Montgomery Boice

"Philippians is so simple and at the same time so profound that it speaks profitably to Christians at every level of spiritual understanding, age, and maturity." As James Montgomery Boice points out, no book in the Bible is so filled with joy as Philippians. Even though Paul faced possible execution for his faith, he managed to remain joyf… Read more…

Boice Expositional Commentary Series: Joshua

Boice Expositional Commentary Series: Joshua

by James Montgomery Boice

"The secret of success is to know God's Word, speak about it, meditate on it, and then, above all, do it. In God's world there is no substitute for full obedience." Joshua was a soldier. According to James Montgomery Boice, he was "one of the most extraordinary military commanders of all time." But what sets Jo… Read more…

Chinese Standard Bible (Traditional) - New Testament

Chinese Standard Bible (Traditional) - New Testament

The Chinese Standard Bible is an all-new Chinese Bible translation, translated from the original biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) and faithfully captures the meaning and authentically preserves the style of the original languages. As one of the most accurate and readable Chinese versions available today, it meets the modern Chinese language sta… Read more…

Chinese Standard Bible (Simplified) - New Testament

Chinese Standard Bible (Simplified) - New Testament

The Chinese Standard Bible is an all-new Chinese Bible translation, translated from the original biblical languages (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek) and faithfully captures the meaning and authentically preserves the style of the original languages. As one of the most accurate and readable Chinese versions available today, it meets the modern Chinese language sta… Read more…

Basisbibel: Altes & Neues Testament

Basisbibel: Altes & Neues Testament

Erzählungen, Berichte, Gebete und Gedichte: Seit Jahrhunderten beeindruckt die Bibel Menschen mit ihren Texten. In der Zeit ihrer Entstehung für jeden verständlich brauchen Leserinnen und Leser von heute eine Übersetzung dieser Texte. Die BasisBibel ist die innovative Bibelübersetzung von heute: Prägnante Sätze, vertraute Worte, sinnvoll gegliedert un… Read more…

Gute Nachricht 2018

Gute Nachricht 2018

Auch nach 50 Jahren ist die "Gute Nachricht Bibel" eine moderne, gut verständliche Übersetzung der hebräischen und griechischen Urtexte. Sie enthält zusätzlich zum Alten und Neuen Testament auch die Spätschriften des Alten Testaments. Fußnoten, weiterführende Verweisstellen und ausführliche Sacherklärungen helfen beim Verständnis des Textes. Das a… Read more…

Genesis: Firstfruits - The Passion Translation (TPT)

Genesis: Firstfruits - The Passion Translation (TPT)

by Brian Simmons

When God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was completely formless and empty, with nothing but darkness draped over the deep. God’s Spirit swept over the face of the waters. And then God announced: “Let there be light,” and light burst forth! Genesis 1:1-3 The Book of Genesis is God’s autobiography and … Read more…

Isaiah: The Vision - The Passion Translation (TPT)

Isaiah: The Vision - The Passion Translation (TPT)

by Brian Simmons

ISAIAH: THE VISION - NOW AVAILABLE IN THE PASSION TRANSLATION You are about to enter a vision-zone of heaven descending upon the earth unveiled before Isaiah, the first of the prophets, the prophet of Zion. The book of Isaiah is an enormous collection of prophecies described as “The Vision.” It is not simply a teaching or a historical … Read more…

Ezekiel & Daniel: Visions of Glory - The Passion Translation

Ezekiel & Daniel: Visions of Glory - The Passion Translation

by Brian Simmons

During a devastating time of upheaval, Ezekiel and Daniel experienced dramatic visions of glory, apocalypse, and ultimate restoration. These prophetic revelations comforted their fellow Babylonian exiles with spectacular insight into YAHWEH’s sovereignty despite the surrounding chaos and uncertainty. The book of Ezekiel bursts with vivid… Read more…

International Children's Bible (ICB)

International Children's Bible (ICB)

by Thomas Nelson

The original International Children's Bible®-celebrated as the first Bible translation just for kids - is ideal for early readers. This translation gives children ages six to twelve a Bible translation of their very own. This edition features the full text of the International Children's Bible® translation and a 20-page dictiona… Read more…

(Number of titles: 2920)