MacArthur Bible Commentary - Olive Tree Bible Software

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MacArthur Bible Commentary

For the Olive Tree Bible App

MacArthur Bible Commentary
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MacArthur Bible Commentary

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: MacArthur Bible Commentary
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Author: John MacArthur


The MacArthur Bible Commentary (1 Volume) explains every passage of the whole Bible phrase by phrase with over one hundred word studies. You will glean wisdom from the Word as you study from a seasoned Bible teacher.

Features of the MacArthur Bible Commentary:

  • Passage-by-passage commentary of the whole Bible
  • A short introduction covering author, date, time, and setting for each book of the Bible.
  • Each introduction also includes discussion of God's character, how Christ is seen, key doctrines, key words, key people, and key Scripture passages that represent the core theme of each book of the Bible.
  • Over 500 charts, maps, and articles, including over 300 additional pieces of content not found in the MacArthur Study Bible
  • Outline of every book of the Bible
  • References to The MacArthur Bible Handbook, and other Thomas Nelson study resources as alternate sources for more in-depth treatment

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John MacArthur has served as the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. His ministry of expository preaching is unparalleled in its breadth and influence. In more than four decades of ministry from the same pulpit, he has preached verse by verse through the entire New Testament (and several key sections of the Old Testament). He is president of the Master’s University and Seminary and can be heard daily on the Grace to You radio broadcast (carried on hundreds of radio stations worldwide). He has authored a number of bestselling books, including Twelve Ordinary Men, and One Perfect Life.
ISBN: 9781418562243

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